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Online Church

Minister: Rev Andrew Hollins      07566 246347

Please join us for our ONLINE PRAYERS each day.


They stay on YouTube, you can watch them at any time by searching YouTube for "Stamford Methodist Church and Circuit" and the date.  There are links to past services on the "Recordings" page of this website.


Our Online Church for  Stamford Methodist Circuit started in March 2020 at the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis.  We livestreamed our Mothering Sunday Service from Stamford Methodist Church via our Facebook group. By the following Sunday Churces had been closed and the service was livestreamed from the preacher's house. 


We quickly realised how much people appreciated still being able to worship together from home, and our minister also started posting a 10 minute "Evening Prayer" every day.  With practice our various preachers learned how to do things better, including video contributions from various church members and music from our virtual choir, virtual orchestra & music groups.  Chatting together on Zoom after the service also helped to build up our fellowship.

Initially planned for our regular congregation who were unable to come to Church due to Coronavirus restrictions, we found that our Online Church was also valued by our older members who hadn't been well enough to come for some time anyway, those who lacked transport, and by those we had known in the past who had moved away from the area.  People who had other commitments that clashed with our service times liked being able to join the service at at time that suited them.   People we didn't know at all also started watching.

Even after Churches re-opened people still like to be part of our Online Church.  So we've decided to carry on with it long term.  From March 2024 our online Sunday Morning Service has been combined with our Sunday Evening Prayer.  With the Holy Spirit's guidance we hope that the online teaching, praise and worship of Jesus will continue!

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